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Friday, January 10, 2025



 By Daniel Olushola Michael

After much anticipation from the church faithfuls and other lovers alike,the year 2024 annual Congress and First 2025 national Holy Ghost service event of the Redeemed Christian Church of God came but had refuses to leave participants and beneficiaries online and diasporas in a jiffy.

The programme which has crossed decades in organisation had become a December and monthly spiritual tonic believers look forward to partake and gain testimonials from its fields of miracles,signs and wonders. However, despite the physical outbursts of wonders of God in the manifolds,there are secrets remaining for a tap in why and how are what we have seen came to being.

Firstly, for the facts that Millions of people from far and near could trooped within weeks to a particular location without any road network or traffic issues both on expressway and within road network around the Redemption city must be a deliberate workouts for quite numbers of workforce. There had never any record of stampede or any related issues during the millions of people gathering monthly or annually. There are dedicated numbers of workers under the traffic sections of the ministry which Synergies with the state and national traffic operatives to get those jobs done on a daily basis. The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) ,The Nigerian Police, Civil defence and internal organised traffic officers got the merits of these successful outcome. Deliberate traffic control mechanism has been put in place due to years of traffic challenges which culminate results to innovative collaborative efforts of series of  heads of the units in decades.

Another occurrence big enough to emerge a major challenge in managing millions of worshippers in a location per time is maximizing best hygiene practices. I personally wish to give accolades to how Pastor Adeboye,the general Overseer of the mission takes the lead in mobilising the ministry's Sanitation department to work selflessly.

 It would surprise one to identify sets of people whose circular Status were humbled by the presence of Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye taking the lead to wash toilets by himself at the massive gatherings of children of God annually or at anytime big events are taking place at the Camp, asides,emphasis laid on Keeping the camp clean by all national provinces and his individual participants, encouragement given to all always yield positive results while you see everyone looking after their environment, despite that, you constantly witnesses sanitation operatives in their colourful uniform depending on Provinces moving from seat by seat to pick dirts around the camp during and after any programme. These sanitary officers dedications took rare dimensions most times while millions has returned home from the event, in their hundreds wait back at the Camp cleaning up residual messes after close of the spiritual meetings.

I remember years ago,when Ebola virus-scare led government announcement of no gathering of people, the RCCG event was held with the Camp becoming more cleaner during and after the meeting, however the sanctity was made possible by God's infinite mercies with man's intentional efforts to wade the virus off.

Security of lives and properties expected to be another major concerns for a massive gatherings of both small,adults and babies. Internal security network in collaboration with National and state security personnel of Nigerian Police,Civil defence, Redeemed Volunteers,Chaplaincy and others in Protocol unit which usually are in charge of securing Car parks spreads all around the camp. The organisation of these Parks is even a masterpiece to be commended by any visitor or car owners.

Information department of the mission especially during and after spiritual event. This unit not always visible but strategically positioned to cater for provision of information of any sorts and also responsible for wandering children and adults who strayed away within the Camp. Such a kid would be seated inside their custody until announcement be made or recognized by sate parents or
Sound systems,as often praised by the general Overseer,Pastor Adeboye, he usually refers to the engineering and sound engineers as the best in the world. While that attributes,he always replied there is no where in the entire universe where such a network of sound connectivity is been done like that of the Redemption Camp, there are speakers airing programmes in most remotely expected areas in the city. Its indeed a divine enabling tasks the sound units of the mission are doing continuously  unabated.

Medical and health workers constant availability. With the gathering of millions of worshipers on a monthly basis,one must need to prepare for eventualities. While the ground is considered a holy ground by believers where any miracles can happen,the organisers of the events never downplay the place of emergencies,24-hours hospital services were always made available with standby Ambulances strategically positioned with clear and motorable road network to commute anyone taking ill to closer hospital all within the Redemption city. Voluntary health workers available for victims of illness are usually attended to by these Professionals who saves lives with medical skills in supports of spiritual attentions.

The success of programmes in the mission can never be critically analysed without mentioning the place that is always hot continuously at all events. The chain prayer models for the mission programmes at all times has been notably recognised by all and sundries as the heart that beat Life to numerous successes recorded hitherto.

Organisation of chain prayers models allocated to different Provinces hourly has witnessed God's physical manifolds of His powers on the earth He had created.

The Choristers in the RCCG mission had become a force to be reckoned with among successful hosting of the Church events. Talented and multi-talented singers flooded the national Choristers base led by Pastor Kunle Ajayi,the once rascal little boy who God turned his life around for His glory. A saxophonists on whose hands Gods relied on to visit people anytime the general Overseer wants to minister anywhere. Pastor Kunle Ajayi and other national choir leaders are the coordinators who produced and directs musical activities during and after spiritual endeavours in the mission and God has never let them down hitherto,many personality among the singing team usually referred to as 'National Praise Team' has since grown to become global praise singers known all over the world using their worship to propagate God's kingdom news to the uttermost part of the universe.

The lighting department,that is, Electrical engineers is a crucial unit whose job to illuminate the holy ground and its environment has no equal as the G.O revered them, several kilometers perimeters of the Camp City are saturated with Electrification projects to the extent they generated their own electricity to the Massive Spiritual City. This unit ensure there is illumination everywhere as long as the portion of land is claimed as a space for the Camp, Men and Women must to be able to see farther beyond his/her location. This task and more the Electrical unit took so seriously which also facilitates colourful ambience of various facilities the vicinity is made of.
The Ushering department too is liken to the service security and order maintaiance officers within the Church,their coordinating tasks to organise crowd and sitting arrangements not limited to events at the camp ground but massively at all local and crusade-like gatherings. This unique department is solely responsible for orderliness and cleanings of venues and assemblies of Men,its such unique unit that produces other units like Sanitations and Protocols departments.

Team Nehemiah department,one creative and resourceful department headed by one of Pastor Adeboye's son had been a major catalyst in decorations by planting trees,shaping and reshaping ambiences of the camp ground. It would also surprise one levels of resourcefulness the team got involved with,there is a recycling project of plastics wastes gathered at the Camp,from information at our disposals,we learnt token were used to mobilise plastics pickers around that delivered these materials to a collection centre at where selection, separations activities are carried out till they are recycled and reuse for other productive purposes,thus saving the Camp from flooding and generating resources for others too.

Several other departments and units are so numerous that mentioning them one after the other for their dutiful activities and responsibilities,this write up would not contain.

Crucial Departments and units such as Health,Communications,Radio,  Televisions and other resourceful but result oriented units of the mission are basically without any doubt the secrets  backed up with spiritual transistors of God Almighty whose radiations glooms to release healings and sanity to the participants all the time.

Anytime you therefore need to understudy sanity and a cut-out organisation in the physical and spiritual realm, please do not hesitate to pay a visit to the Redemption city to avail yourself the opportunity to learn how divinely God is showing a pattern of His kingdom here on Earth.

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