Iyan Zazzau: Reminiscing On An Encounter With A Nationalist - Global Report




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Friday, January 24, 2025

Iyan Zazzau: Reminiscing On An Encounter With A Nationalist





By Philip Agbese

In the chronicles of life, there are leaders, and then there are exceptional leaders. Many are contented with maintaining the status quo, while few embrace the mantle of distinction, challenging the status quo and redefining what it means to serve with humility, integrity, and a resolute commitment to humanity. Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abbas, PhD, GCON, the Speaker of Nigeria’s 10th House of Representatives, firmly belongs to the latter category. In my careful observation of him over the few years of knowing him, I discovered that he is a nationalist to the core, a consummate servant-leader, and a man whose life’s work reflects the highest ideal of selflessness in public service.

I was privileged to meet Rt. Hon. Abbas shortly before the inauguration of the 10th House of Representatives. Our encounter is what I call “Brief, yet profoundly impactful”. I saw not just a man of great intellect but also a compassionate and approachable individual, a committed leader with a burning desire and vision for a better Nigeria.

From the very moment he walked into the room, Rt. Hon. Abbas, a prince from Northern Nigeria,  holds the traditional title of Iyan Zazzau and exuded an aura of calm humility that belied his position as one of the most powerful lawmakers in the land. The Kaduna  Prince’s demeanour, against my initial perception, was not that of a man who is eager to dominate the discussion but one who listens attentively, nods thoughtfully and asks insightful questions to absorb and process the perception of others. It was obvious that he was not just hearing what each person spoke but genuinely listening. I found this amusing as a rare quality in a world where many leaders are more focused on speaking than understanding.

According to the great author John C. Maxwell, “A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” TJ as he is fondly called by ranking fans,  exemplifies this profound philosophy in his leadership style. He is not authoritarian nor detached but ensures that his compatriots  are empowered to walk the path with him, inspiring collaboration and fostering a shared vision for progress with them.

Rt. Hon. Abbas stands out as a man whose word is his bond; he does not make commitments frivolously, understanding the profound trust and expectations that accompany his pledges. This is one of the traits that set him apart from many of his peers. In a political environment where promises are frequently made lightly and discarded even more readily, Rt. Hon. Abbas is a man whose word is his bond. This rare quality has earned him the respect and admiration of colleagues across political divides, many of whom speak in glowing terms of his reliability and unflinching sense of duty.

Dr. Abbas sees himself as a youth and appointed eight young Nigerians as Senior Legislative Aides. He pledged to engage with Nigerian youths in a conversation twice every year, showcasing his commitment to listening to their concerns and ideas. Furthermore, he promised to extend his engagement to youths from various organisations and groups, demonstrating his dedication to inclusivity and diverse perspectives. These promises were made before the 1st October mass rally advocating for good governance, and remarkably, the Speaker has fulfilled all of these commitments, solidifying his reputation as a leader who truly values the voices and contributions of Nigerian youths.

As Blaise Pascal once said, “The strength of a man’s virtue should not be measured by his special exertions but by his habitual acts.” Speaker Abbas' persistent support of the underprivileged, his willingness to help those in need, and his habitual deeds of kindness serve as a pointer to a man in service to the people.

Rt. Hon. Abbas is far more than just to be regarded as a politician; he is, at his core, a man of the people. His kindness radiates naturally in every interaction. He is a kind leader who sees potential in everyone, making each person feel valued, seen, and respected, regardless of their background, social status, or political affiliations.

When I think about his demeanour, I am reminded of Maya Angelou's famous quote: "People will never forget how you made them feel, but they will forget what you said and did." Indeed, Rt. Hon. Abbas' kindness, compassion, and respect for everyone he encounters are what will continue to have an influence. Innumerable Nigerians have found inspiration and hope in him because of his capacity to connect with them on a profoundly human level.

It is believed that great leaders are those who measure their success by the success of others, and Abbas is one such leader. A beautiful soul with an uncommon capacity to identify potential in other people and with an even greater willingness to nurture and guide them towards fulfilment, which is unlike many political individuals who I know very closely.

In our conversation, a colleague once remarked with a smile on his face, “ Do you know that he wants us to be better than him? He doesn’t feel intimidated by our growth; instead, he celebrates our wins like his own.” I could not whisper any words after this but concluded deep in my thoughts, “ What manner of man is this Abbas?" I couldn’t agree less that a rare blend of confidence and humility is the cornerstone of his leadership ethos.

Iyan Zazzau's passion for reading and education is just one of his many remarkable qualities. In addition, he is a meticulous and analytical thinker who carefully considers and absorbs all of the information that is put in front of him. I saw this as he discussed a few global capitalists and political reformers. It is said that leaders are readers and Rt. Hon. Abbas is no exception.

I observed that his relentless pursuit of knowledge reflects not only his intellectual curiosity but also his dedication to leading with wisdom and insight. He takes the time to read every advisory note, policy document, and briefing paper that comes his way, ensuring that he is well-informed and equipped to make decisions that benefit the nation. His commitment to continuous learning is a reflection of his dedication to excellence and his desire to lead by example.

Truly, to describe Rt. Hon. Abbas, as a leader par excellence, is to do justice to his unique combination of intellect, empathy, and humility. His colleagues often speak of his meticulous approach to governance, his attention to detail, and his unwavering commitment to the principles of justice and fairness. He is a man who is guided by the belief that leadership is not about wielding power but serving others in your best capacity. Abbas' character embodies the timeless words of Mahatma Gandhi, who says, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

As the speaker of the 10th House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas has outlined a distinct and aspirational vision for Nigeria’s future in his capacity. He has made it plain that his main goal is to fulfil the needs of the people, from enhancing healthcare and education to generating employment and guaranteeing security. His legislative agenda demonstrates a thorough awareness of the issues that are most important to Nigerians.

As I reflect on my encounter with Rt. Hon. Abbas, PhD, GCON, I am filled with hope for Nigeria’s future. His leadership is a reminder that greatness is not measured by titles or positions but by the impact one has on the lives of others. He is a beacon of hope and a shining example of what it means to lead with integrity and purpose. He represents the best of what Nigeria has to offer to its citizens: a leader who is principled, compassionate, and deeply committed to the nation’s progress.

Speaker Abbas is one of the greatest gifts of God to Nigeria. Nigeria has been blessed with a leader whose qualities transcend politics but is filled with humility, patriotism, and excellence. In a quick use of John Quincy Adams’ words: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”  Rt. Hon. Abbas is without a doubt such a leader.

On a conclusive term, Iyan Zazzau is that  man whose actions speak louder than words and whose legacy will forever remain in the sand of time. A distinguished nationalist and a true statesman.

*Agbese is the Deputy Spokesman of the 10th House of Representatives.

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