Folake Ani-Mumuney
In a world where the average professional changes jobs
every five years and the banking sector is constantly evolving, it can
be difficult to know how to make a solid mark and progress in one’s
However, for proactive professionals who do not wait for
opportunities to come to them but rather seek out opportunities and
take on extra responsibilities, sterling achievements and getting to the
apogee will always be their lot.
This is the story of Mrs. Folake Ani-Mumuney, the Global
Head Marketing & Corporate Communications, First Bank Limited, who
has just announced her bowing out of the bank with much accolades and
Indeed, for Madam Folake Ani- Mumuney, her achievements,
laurels and many giant strides accomplished during her tenure truly
encapsulated what the Swiss Writer, Henri Frédéric Amiel once said in
one of his famous books.
According to Frédéric Amiel” Great men and women are the real humans , for in them nature has truly succeeded.”
With a laser-focused career plan, the corporate Amazon
set herself realistic goals in the bank and achieved them. Her passion,
dedication and commitment set her apart not just in FirstBank but the
entire banking sector as a whole.
In addition to her innovative and creative thinking to
solve problems and improve processes, Mrs. Ali-Mumuney’s marketing and
commercial acumen made her more strategic and focused in her approach to
adding value to the organization. Her unique ability to work well with
different people and organizations made her more effective in her role
and career trajectory an inspiring story in career sorjourn and brand
equity building.
Above all, her resilience remarkably set her apart in
weathering storms and achieving results even in the face of odds and
setbacks that inevitably come with working in the banking sector while
her flexibility also helped her to cope with the ever-changing
Listen to Mrs. Ani-Mumuney’s valedictory message to her
colleagues and partners, “There comes a time in this journey called life
when one draws a curtain on a particular phase or season. That time has
come for me as I bow out of FirstBank.
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you especially for all your contributions towards the successes we may have recorded.
As I reflect on the journey thus far, I am mindful that
your partnership is what has enabled us to build a stronger brand and as
I leave this iconic institution in much better shape than I found it I
want to thank you for helping me finish well.
“I have no doubt that I leave the bank in very capable
hands given the strong front bench I was proud to call colleagues. I can
only ask that you continue to partner with and support them fully as
they take the institution to even greater heights.
On a personal note, I am particularly delighted that the
130th anniversary year of our Bank has been a milestone year for me on
many fronts and it is therefore fitting that I draw the curtain with
flourish, in thanksgiving, as I ask you to ‘come and join me sing
hallelujah, Jehovah Jireh has done me well’.
“Do raise a glass in toast to …finishing well!”
Truth be told, the amazing Amazon has built and impacted
careers. Many of her former subordinates at First Bank during her
tenure have become leaders in their own rights , but yet remains ever
grateful proteges of this renowned progeny.
As the corporate Amazon steps out of FirstBank to seek
out more opportunities, may her career path be paved with gold and the
best that the universe has to offer.
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