The Limit Breaker conference Sierre Leone : if you don't deal with Foundational Problems, it will keep repeating itself - Dr Chris Okafor - Global Report



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Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Limit Breaker conference Sierre Leone : if you don't deal with Foundational Problems, it will keep repeating itself - Dr Chris Okafor




... Generational Prophet of God shakes Freetown with Diverse kinds of Deliverance and Miracles

Limitations in Life means when you are restricted in life to a certain level and this can be as a result of the Sins somebody somewhere committed even when you are not born, Limitations can also come as an ancestral Limitations, where what happens to your forefathers  keep repeating itself except it is dealt with....

Preaching on the Topic "Breaking the Limitations of My Fathers" The Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide Popularly known as The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor remarked that Limitation is not a respectal of anyone, once you fall into the lineage of those family battling with this agent of darkness, accept you look for means to breakout , that circle will continue in your life.

The Man of God said the implication of ancestral Limitations means that somebody did something long ago, even when you are not born but you are suffering from their iniquities.

Using the scriptures ,Holy book of Lamentation chapter 5- From 1 to the end explained that ancestral Limitations is More deadly because it's a transgender Limitations and the only way to break out of this, is to involve Elohim to intervene on your behalf..

Speaking on what are the Limitations of the Fathers, The Man of God said Limitations come in the form of Inherited battles, bloodline disease running in the family, Poverty, bad luck, Barrenness and more but when you acquire knowledge about the source of the battle, take instructions from your spiritual father, You will. Break out,

The Apostle of altars also remarked that Your commitment in the house of God gives you edge and when you are a prayerful person, winning souls into the kingdom of God, You will breakout from the limitations of your father's.

Diverse kinds of Deliverance, miracles Herald the first day of the conference.Misery demystify, while the strong man behind the Limitations face in many families were exposed, Miracles babies also released by God at the conference among others

Earlier the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor brought greetings from all the branches of Grace Nation international across the Globe, He declared that the Land of Sierre Leone will Prosper, and because the good people of sierre Leone welcome the Grace Nation COWOM Team with warm and open hand says the rains of God that brings blessing Prosperity will fall on Sierre Leone and every evil hand will cease to work in the Land,

The clergyman also prays for President of Sierre Leone and his Executives, declaring divine knowledge and wisdom on them to paddle the affair of the country to greater heights .

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