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Thursday, September 26, 2024



 By Daniel Olushola Michael

The Italian artist,Michelangelo was known for his multi-dimensional creative parts that were not only became masterpiece in his time but also outlived his artistic designs,he was majorly identified as a Sculptor, Painter, Architect, and Poet of a repute. In his days the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci, Donatello and others influenced his inspirations to creativities. However, he shone above his likely mentees. That gives rooms for abundance of creativities among divergence of options.

GTCO head office Edifice

Guaranty Trust Bank in its structural ambience appearances amidst African financial Providers is yet to have replicas of its unique Structural systems presentations,thus replicating the dimensions of Michelangelo in the banking sector's landscape.

Its structurally sound for any business entity to undertake business plans and strategies of those who had gone ahead of them so as to achieve same results they have gotten. Like in Chemistry ,Sciences ,formulas are followed to arrived at given or requested results of an experiments,however, some genius had challenged some already used formulas to achieve new outcomes,outcomes like  coined word 'Sirendipity' is a name given to discovery of penicillin syrup as chemical formulations to cure incurable diseases of their time. Penicillin was discovered by further probe into chemical formulations which came by a mistake trial. Today, GTCO trailed the paths to emerged a point of emulations to achieve financial relevance attainable in financial business line never threaded before in banking sector.

Guaranty Trust Bank in the journey of business had taken business risks which metamorphosis from little beginning and today emerged top notched financial service providers, now in the classes of African notable bankers pedigrees of economic promoters, business and life saving enterprises.

For the benefits of this write up, consideration for its innovative raptures into divergent structural architecture which showcases unique ambiences of business attractions, a banking tradition not common, I mean no other financial service institutions in Africa, perhaps globally developed such, not before or after their adoption. In Nigeria as of today, virtually every Bank are notably recognized by their arcade of unique facial and uniformed structures and paintings,but none of GTCO facilities,be it main banking facility or ATM service hubs scattered allover the nation displays same structural edifice.

Innovation was the eighth number in GTB's core values as an organisation but its the first thing everyone notices before you ventures into their banking facilities. Thanks to the amazing teamwork of its series of leadership calibers hitherto.

With first-class business thinkers on board, the creative unit of GTCO or GTB as the case may be is termed by this writing as a breathing elements of the business. With findings  into what determines the Bank facilities structures its was discovered that no space is too small or large for architectural presentations at GTCO especially when business opportunities is concerned.

 GTB innovative architectural structure would speaks volume within diameter of space available,either rented or purchased,their structures can never be overlooked at anyone's sight. Its always a beauty to behold anytime and anywhere.

By the two crucial events identified with GTCO, The annual foods and drinks and Fashion festivals respectivey, first-class ambience settings of Orange colouration plays major roles in front burners of their setting presentations.

The bank managements came with innovative ideas in a rare partnership with Formwork Limited, a creative structural engineer entity not to have replicas of banking structure facility anywhere. This implies no operating building would be same as another. For anyone looking for a banking ambience suitable for conveniency,GTCO stands in the gap.
Orange as a colour is an appealing subtlety of GTCO's unique operational approach,its a colour chosen to attracts  both aged and seeming generation alphabet of 'gen-x' to the present 'gen-z'  
Internal operational mechanism with the Banks high-tech units affords them customer satisfactions,no wonders their business key performance indicators always skyrocketed annually.

While its boardroom deliberations had been driving positive business tragectories for decades, Stakeholders and Shareholders alike never share any moments in 'business-regrets' room for their investment in the system till date,minding the qualities of leadership the forerunner financial service institutions had been operating with hitherto.

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