The nationwide industrial action embarked upon by the Nigerian Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress has started taking its toll on Judiciary as lawyers and litigants were turned back from entering both the Federal High Court in Ikoyi and Lagos High Courts, at TBS. Correspondent who was among the early arrivals at the court premises was gently told by strike enforcers to please comply with the order, as "we are shutting down the court in strict compliance with JUSUN (Judiciary Union of Nigeria) order".'s effort however, paid off in obtaining a copy of JUSUN directive mandating executives of the union to enforce the strike starting from Sunday midnight. 

The same story is recorded for all Magistrates' courts at both Mainland and Island as they remain shut down with JUSUN executives took their stands at the entrance. 

However, lawyers and litigants are still loitering around the courts, hoping there might be a reversal of the order that sent them out.