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Tuesday, April 30, 2024



The 2024 GTCO festivals of foods and drinks might have come but its experiences refuses to vanish from minds of attendees.
 Year 2024 edition of the food and drinks event can be described as ethically prepared to suits the expectations hence its been their 7th editions, throwing down bangers after bangers of excitements for all attendees.
As a press guests at the events, Scouting from one business spots within the main hall down to those cutely but colourfully scattered outside, one thing stand out for everyone's transactions is the well profiled 'Squad' business application from the GTCO financial providers whose time in Nigerian financial market keep blowing.
Its well profiled with making payments at the centre due to the finest and coolest network availability throughout the event. The software and hardware engineers performances on ground were second to none to ensure hassle-free transactions for fun-lovers and vendors doing business with pleasures for the three days events.

Strategically, staffs of GTCO's were positioned to woo attendees interests in opening all manners of business accounts with smart but articulated guys without any hassle. Business strategies indeed! 
Millions of trade transactions went through the dam of smooth operations on 'Squad' applications between 26th to 28th of April 2024. Oh what an efficient way of proven business technology leadership.

 Along my path to scout for more, i witnessed other colourful shops with local traditional products such as peanuts 'groundnuts' packaged in a unique way, I ran into a vendor who noticed my target snap-pictures of colourful moments, beckons on me to pick her for my camera, I can see joy on her face as she positioned herself in the shop at the hall,thinking within me how the event added up to her feelings even when she's aware am not picking anything sooner from her stall. There is fun in being part of the moments, I thought within myself. Even finding yourself within the colourful atmosphere is good enough to change ones feeling narratives, I concluded.
Scouting further, met with two elderly women,one on a wheel chair perhaps due to old age and other sitting in front of a products stall,both with grey hairs were staring on a pamphlet while people I supposed were customers visits the shop to pick stuffs.
In the crowd of fun seekers and happenings of such magnitudes, these aged ones escaped solitary but find their ways to where things are happening,recall there were musical vibes rolling from different angles of the hall,meaning,no dull moments at all.

Little kids joined family members to engraced the Three days more than business event, face painters, ice cream spots of different colours, positioned themselves for deals. Trains of children troops down the paths with painted faces to visit choiced areas of funs at the centre,thanks for the holidays,they catch the fun of the moments.

 Selected Chefs from global space forms major masterclasses sessions. One thing separated one Chef from another is individual unique styles of radiating joy while presenting their stuffs. Names mentioning would cheat on me to call them all,however, my memories still resonated how Chef Gale Gand,who excitedly comments in her lucky selection for the festival cane to do what she knew how to do best. After her Class,stood back to enjoy other masterclasses,posed questions to other Chefs to gain more knowledge from the event. She's one of those who fell in love with Nigerian Potatoes and beans Porridge with exceptions of chili sauce high levels.

Bunny Young ecstasies knew no bound while presenting her 'popups' class in style, How Young made attendees to feel the taste of Seafoods in combinations with unique bread 🍞 condiments. She changed the Orange Aromas of the masterclass hall to that of bread-infused Airs of smells. 
All her questions were excitedly answered to satisfactions of aspiring chefs in the hall.

Bo and Dylan class of Thai heritage cuisines further widen horizons of the class to see foods as global language irrespective of locations and origin.
Ryan Mitchel came to swell the salivating mode of his class,while demonstrating Barbeque tradition cooking from ages. Ryan invoke hunger  for recipes in barbeque enthusiasts. 

Aldo Zilli,an award winner, Masterchef celebrity and author of multiple Chef books also came with a bang. Practicing his chef restaurant business and teachings in Italian cuisines which priorities Seafood menus. With his smiles,demonstrated lifestyles of excitements in food and drink business lines.

Announcement blasting from mega speakers placed on the field outside the hall, calling all manners of African and Nigerian based foods their real names was one of my Splendid moment at the foods and drinks festivals edition of 2024.
Cultural names we called our foods at different regions in nigeria has been eroding with time while foreigners rechristen them in English way.
'Abatcha' as a food was called by it's traditional name, 'Boli'was now Blasted as roasted Plantain but was blasted in combinations with peanuts on my Ears. I was glad when the announcer mentioned 'Agbado' among foods waiting for consumption outside.

  Everyone from different tribe and language would always be happy acknowledging them as who nature has placed them to be including names given to their foods. Recall 'Agbado' is not to be blasphemed as Corn while my Eastern brothers and Sisters who had enchanted others with their 'Abatcha' would be glad hearing same been called and not changed to stuffs like Cassava combined with coconuts.
Several other traditional foods were on display at different kitchen stalls while continental menus are also made available by numerous vendors who took no chance in getting good and quality foods and drinks business with an experience to live with for longer time to come.
GTCO FOOD AND DRINKS FESTIVALS, an experience placed to last longer 

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