VIDEO: Covid Was A Bioweapon By US Deep State And Globalist Elites - Putin - Global Report



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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

VIDEO: Covid Was A Bioweapon By US Deep State And Globalist Elites - Putin



According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who meticulously wrote a 2,000 page report forensically outlining the misdeeds of the US Deep State and globalist elites, the Covid-19 virus was developed as a bioweapon against humanity.

Putin claims that US Deep State figures and Big Pharma are responsible for “manufacturing” the Covid-19 pandemic to ravage the entire world. According to the 2,000 page dossier, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros are all complicit in the plot against humanity.

Putin was willing to wait it out while gathering evidence, but according to Russian insiders, he now realizes the time has come to expose the globalist sham and inform the general public about the elite’s objective.

The truth is finally beginning to surface. Throughout the world, courageous men and women are defying the globalist elite’s demands.

The moment has come for justice to be done as more and more people around the world become aware of the crimes committed by the elite.

“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” said the Russian Embassy in the United States

Putin asserts that the ruling class of the world has left its mark on the crime scene.

Russia has now presented the proof in plain sight and provided the UN with over 2,000 pages of documentation demonstrating that the globalist elite and the US Deep State, working along with Big Pharma, are to blame for the pandemic’s creation.

The US and Big Pharma are launching biological weapons to conquer the world, according to the highest level Russian biological military official who recently appeared on television.

Naturally, Western mainstream media is doing every effort to bury the report and the news that it even exists.

Watch the video below

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