Grace Nation @19 : The God I Serve, A Mighty God - Dr Chris Okafor - Global Report




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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Grace Nation @19 : The God I Serve, A Mighty God - Dr Chris Okafor




 * Every service is a plus in Grace Nation

* In Grace Nation we Enjoy Unlimited Power of God..Sons of the Prophet

* Senior Son of Prophet, Pastor Sylvester Dedicates Child after 13years

God has been so faithful to Grace Nation in every way and in this commission we enjoy unlimited Power of God on a day to day basis, testimonies,  Miracles, Healing and Deliverance is always our watchword, Since the inception of the church 19 years ago,  God is here in Grace Nation aka Liberation city,  myself,  the entire Pastorate and all my Sons and Daughters can attest to this Mighty hand of God,  in Grace Nation every service is a Plus.

These are the words of the Lead Pastor of Grace Nation International aka Liberation city Dr Chris Okafor at the 19 Anniversary Thanksgiving service of the church held at the international headquarters of the church in Lagos Nigeria.

Recounting the faithfulness and Raw power of God the church encountered over the commission,  the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor whom God gave the vision and Mandate to win 2 Billion souls to the kingdom of God 19 years ago said,  the Church with Branches in over 46 Countries across the Glove began it journey in a school premises in ojodu Berger lagos Nigeria.
 The man of God who also recounted that though the journey so far not so easy but the mighty Hand of Almighty God has continue to sustain the church in the mixed of so many challenges.

Dr Chris okafor Laments that if not For God,  the enemies plan to stop the church in so many ways but because God is Alive and behind his work,  instead for the church to break,  it is waxing stronger on a daily basises.

We have encounter different challenges among which was the Kidnapped experience some years back while we are coming from a conference in Awka Anambra state,  the enemies tried their best to stop the vision but God prove himself that he is the Mighty Man in Battle,  one behind the commission Dr Okafor remarked

Earlier in his sermon with theme Last Minute Miracle,  subtitle The Important of Thanksgiving said thanksgiving is an application for more,  the more you give thanks the more blessings that will come your ways,  the Man of God said it is evil not to give thanks, God answer people that show appreciation to what he does in there life,  this is the main reason we are gather today to appreciate the Faithfulness of the lord upon the church and every member of Grace Nation Family.  we will continue to give thanks,  you will experience Last minute miracles when you give thanks the man of God concluded

Meanwhile, the Senior Son of the Prophet, Residence Pastor Grace Nation Pastor Sylvester have Dedicated his child after 13 years of marriage,  the committed Loyal Son of the Prophet while sharing his Experience after 13 years of marriage said it can only be the God of Dr Chris Okafor,  he said the Generational prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor made him and if not for him,  he is nobody,  i thank the God of my father,  he is a true God Pastor Sylvester remarked.

The special thanksgiving session took centre stage at the program as groups,  families,  church workers set group made there thanksgiving session at the service with Dancing and Praising God

The 20,000 church seating capacity under construction will be ready for the cross over service come 31st December 2022,  The Lead Pastor of Grace Nation Dr Chris Okafor made the confirmations,  according to him the re-constructed 20000 church capacity will enable members to be under one anointed roof immediately the project is completed,  the church is expanding to the glory of God with comfortable seating arraignment for all

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