Sterling Bank Pulled Up N5.4 Billion Profit in Q3 2022 - Global Report




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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Sterling Bank Pulled Up N5.4 Billion Profit in Q3 2022


Abubakar Suleiman, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Sterling Bank 

Sterling Bank Plc delivered an N5.4 billion profit for Q3 2022, marking a 43% increase from the N3.8 billion profit reported in the comparable period last year.


The company’s latest earnings report, seen by Nairametrics, shows that net interest income grew by 25% to N21 billion from the N16.7 billion recorded for Q3 2021. 


During the period under review, Sterling Bank increased its interest income to N31 billion from N28 billion, thanks to debt instruments at amortized cost as well as loans and advances to customers. The bank also cut down on interest expenses to N10 billion from N11.7 billion.


 Net fees and Commission income rose to N5 billion from N4.6 billion. The increase was driven by facility management fees, account maintenance fees, commission & similar income fees and the E-business commission and fees. 


Other Operating income for the period recorded N2.9 billion from N1.6 billion, driven by expansion in rental income, other sundry income gains on disposal of property, plant, and equipment as well as cash recoveries on previously written-off accounts. As a result, the overall operating income for the period stood at N31 billion compared t N25.7 billion during the period. 


Sterling Bank increased wages and salaries as well as defined a contribution plan to trigger an increase in personnel expenses for the period. 

Similarly, other operating expenses were valued at N6.97 billion compared to N5.5 billion in the previous year. This is a result of the increase in AMCON surcharge, contract services, insurance, and other professional fees. 


Sterling Bank’s AMCON surcharge for Q3 stood at N2.29, an increase from N1.85 last year. The amount represents s the Bank’s contribution to a fund established by the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) Act. Effective 1 January 2013.  


 Meanwhile, Sterling Bank’s total expenses stood at N23 billion from N12 billion, and the company’s profit before income tax was N5.7 from N3.8 billion

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