Grace Nation: Whosoever Works Without Direction Of The Holy Spirit Suffers - Dr Chris Okafor - Global Report




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Monday, October 31, 2022

Grace Nation: Whosoever Works Without Direction Of The Holy Spirit Suffers - Dr Chris Okafor




* Possibilities without Responsibilities is equal to foolishness,,,okafor

* Liberation Women of Zion 2022 convention ends with Thanksgiving and various side attractions

The Annual Liberation Women of Zion year 2022 internationall convention has end with  a special Thanksgiving services with various side attractions which includes,Newscast bulletin presentation,Yoruba and Tiv cultural display  and lots more

Speaking at the Grand finale of the Liberation women of Zion convention, the Lead pastor of Grace Nation, Dr Chris Okafor teach on the topic Annoiting for all Round Settlement and Breakthrough explained that Annoiting releases you into your Assignment in life, he said you will not go far in life if you did not know the assignment God assign you for on Earth

The Generational prophet of God also remarked that Annoiting make you recover all your loses, while highlighting that Annoiting also gives you direction and enhance your with the right person in life and releases o ending favour upon your life.

Dr Chris Okafor while making recommendations said   the key to all round Breakthrough is giving pleasure to the father, the Man of God remarked that doing what pleases the father's quaranttee your inheritance in Life, when you follow the father's directive ,change your prayer Life and study the word you can never be stranded in life,you can never be a believer without praying and studying the word,  the Generational prophet of God declared that possibilities without Responsibilities is equal to foolishness , except you please the father you cannot get the signature of God up on your life, the man of God concluded

Special child dedication and Thanksgiving climax the Liberation women of Zion convention as the women of Zion  and liberation voice choir treated faithful to a wonderful renditions

Earlier at the realms of the Prophecy God uses his servant Dr Chris Okafor in a new dimensions, The power of God came down mightily on some set of People who find it difficult to use the toilet, some of those set of People have use 2 week, four months without using the toilet, the man of God lay hand of them and pray and instantly, testimony came in at the service that one of Them visit the toilet and was set free

Also God visited some  Ancient altars through his Generational Prophet Dr Chris Okafor delivering many captive and setting them free indeed.

Meanwhile the Grace Nation International Anniversary is coming up next month, November 2022, to the glory of God, Grace Nation marking it19 year of existence to the glory of God

We will keep our numerous readers posted as event unfold

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