Am Called, Anointed To Deal With Altars - Dr Chris Okafor - Global Report




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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Am Called, Anointed To Deal With Altars - Dr Chris Okafor



* Western lifestyle is a demonic adopted Culture- Okafor

* African team will go far in Qatar World Cup, Second stage or Quarter finals - okafor

You don't just get blessings, you enjoy blessings because you do the rightful things
If you are a Christian and you did not understand the place of an altars, you will definately suffer,Every altars is powerless until a blood speaks on it

This and more  biblical phrases were used by the Lead Pastor of Grace Nation International aka Liberation City  Dr Chris Okafor at the third Day of the ongoing prophetic conference Not My Head, Not my blood at the international Headquarters of the church in  Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria to described the workings of elohim, if you must  break out of Generational Curses and household wickedness.

Speaking on the Topic "How to breakout of Generational curses" with a sub-heading  "Household wickedness",  the Generational Prophet of God,  Dr Chris Okafor explained that for you to break out from a generational curses you must outrightly understand the root cause of the problem,  when you understand the channel the curse came into your life then you know the kind of solutions to be applied. Because solutions are not the same.

The Oracle of God as some faithfuls fondly called him said Prayers is one of the many channels to be used to break out of curses,  Listening to instruction from your spiritual fathers is another channel,  while the man of God said the fastest of them all is to understand how to deployed blood for blood,  altars for altars,  Dr Okafor said if altars are not important God will not talked about it,  therefore you will deployed altars for altars because if you did not stop evil altars, evil altars will stop you.

God listens and adhere to the principle of sacrifice quickly because it takes blood to stop blood, Prayers does not stop battles to come but it takes blood to tackle battles.

On the negative effect of western lifestyle on this generation, which is the barn to household wickedness, the clergy said western culture is very demonic in nature, adoption of western culture gives nowadays Young' to believes kingdom commitment and sacrifices on altars not so important among many other,  so western culture has done the youth in thks generation bad

Speaking on the forthcoming world Cup and the chances of African Teams,  the Generational prophet of God said we are Africans,  we must give African team our support I see African team doing well in Qatar,  African team will do well,  I see one of the African team getting to the Second round even to The quarter final stage by God Grace

The Not My Head Not My Blood conference will come to end with a special thanksgiving service on 2 October 2022 at the international Headquarters of Grace Nation in ojodu Berger lagos Nigeria

We will.brings to our numerous readers,  Blow by Blow account of the 3 days prophetic conference, side attraction and general gist in our next week bulletins

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