Grace Nation: Massive Evil Loads Lifted at PHD Service - Global Report




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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Grace Nation: Massive Evil Loads Lifted at PHD Service




* Evil vices that make people ask you where is your God is Destroyed - Okafor

Not all problem faced by People is solved by Prayers,  some problems did not need prayers,and fasting but your commitment to the kingdom of God and having  knowledge about what should be done in most cases brings about solutions to predicaments

This are the words of the Lead pastor of Grace Nation International aka Liberation city Dr Chris okafor at the midweek Prophecy, Healing and Deliverance service (PHD) at the International Headquarters of the church in Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria

Speaking at the prophetic service the Generational Prophet of God as he is fondly called explained that satan is not Powerful at all because he cannot operate without the support of human being, the Man of God said if you understand the principles of Commitment and  service to the kingdom every evil load upon your head shall be removed

The Apostle of altars re emphasised that many people are the cause of different evil load they are carrying, when you abuse the hand that is problem to help you,  what will you expect,  Nothing except curses because curses attracted Evil load and this is the reason why many worship where there is power and Grace yet  they still leave in abject poverty

If you are obedient and listen to instruction from Annoited man of God evil loads cannot come near you,  this is the reason why some canal people will ask you upon going to church regularly your Life did not change for better, ,The Generational prophet of God,  Dr Chris Okafor concluded that if you serve your God in truth and spirit,  Every evil load program against you shall be lifted

The Realm of the Prophetic witness major deliverance as God uses he servant Dr Chris Okafor to profile solution to the predicament of many soul,  one of these person is a man whom the enemies break his two legs the man of God pray for him and restore his legs back,  another testimony was that of a young boy delivered from stealing and lying among many others

The PHD service was climax with Praise and worship by the Liberation Voice choirs...

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