Grace Nation: When You Do God's Will, He Pays Your Bills - Dr Chris Okafor - Global Report




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Monday, August 8, 2022

Grace Nation: When You Do God's Will, He Pays Your Bills - Dr Chris Okafor

... miracle baby galore at sunday glorious, prophetic service

...3,712 woman to carry miracle babies at harvest of babies extra conference in august

Life is not difficult but so easy if you understand the working formula and Principles to work it out.

Speaking at the special Partnerships service of Grace Nation international at the international Headquarters of the church in Lagos, The Led Pastor ,Dr Chris Okafor said,when God says serve me, he want you to serve him with all he has given you, God want you to serve him with your Time, resources and be a soul winner to his Kingdom

Therefore when you serve God, you are not doing anyone good but yourself, because if you partner with God, in return he also Partner with you.

The Genetional Prophet of God, Dr Chris Okafor who Teaches at the Prophetic service on the  Topic, the Important of Partnership with God explained further that when you partner with the kingdom, with your wealth, you are not helping any one but fulfilling your convenant obligation, he stated that your investment today in the kingdom will speak for you tomorrow, so therefore your service is very important and a divine path to your breakthrough and greatness in Life.

The kingdom does not give room to anyone that is wasteful, when the Holy ghost empowers you, he want you to be a soul winner to the Kingdom, so your first Partnership should be soul winning, the Genetional Prophet of God remarked

The Partnership Service witness diverse miracles and testimonies, A couple with overdue pregnancy mark for death by the strong man in there family testify after delivering there babies without complications, the woman said on he way to the hospital, a bird that was program to attack and ki her fell down physical on her and die on the spot,she gave birth to a bouncing baby as declared by God servant Dr Chris Okafor

Also more than 19 miracle babies were given to mother's who are waiting onto the Lord for the fruit of the womb..A foremost Publisher who.will.not want his name mention was also delivered from an aggrived strong man married into his family, the man of God prayed for him and exposed the strong man behind his mother's children predicament, He also declare the end to the evil work been carried out by the  strong man in the life of the media Man

The Harvest of Babies extra conference is schedule to come up between 24th -28th August 2022, at the international Headquarters of Grace Nation, Plot 9-12 oshofisan street,off Edozie street by Ereke bus stop ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria, the theme of the conference is Breaking The Yoke Of Barrenness, as 3.712 will carry there miracles Babies ....

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