Ogun10:What happens In the days of His Power- Pastor Adeboye - Global Report




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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ogun10:What happens In the days of His Power- Pastor Adeboye

Pastor Richard Adeboye Preaching at the Programme

At the just concluded Special Divine encounter of RCCG Ogun province 10 monthly programmes usually anchored by the Pastor in charge of the province,Pastor Bola Arawole.
Testimonies has been one of the sounding echoes of the monthly Province 10 programme from inceptions,people bearing evidences of God's transformations in life,ministries via attendaces in the monthly spiritual exercises.


 RCCG OG/10 Choristers ministering

 Pastor Adeboye ministering on day 1
 The first day of the programme scheduled for Saturday May 28th,Sunday 29th respectively,being a day the mission region 12 pastor, Pastor Richard Adeboye reveals God's mind to the attendees as guest speaker on efficacies of God's powers betrothed to all believers to manifest authorities over elements according to God's words. In order to achieve this,he bares his mind on how the world is waiting for God's children manifestations of their fathers powers.
The man of God beseech all to undertake certain but crucial approaches to obtain powers:

*Humility as weapon was taught as what took men to path of dignity in life,stating all to learn and relate well with all hence 'no one knows tomorrow' further shows that 'the way up is also the way down' a lesson for the proud at heart due to the fact that God hates the proud but gives grace to the humble.
 Cross sections of Ministers at the overflowed programme

*Also entreats the sittings to be dead to all works of flesh,like setting boundaries between you and opposite sex, what to watch and not,where to go and not,describing inability to fix this has led many to early grave spiritually and physically.

*Ability to have, maintain secret place with God. Psalm 42,verses 1-2,7.
 In his word, Pastor Richard quoted ' To be much for God is to be much with Him' meaning everyone to engage prayers and fasting regularly. Secret place is a place of power,he said.

*Among many strong warnings given to believers at the power packed spiritual event was his instructions on how believers need to build characters. Saying ' If you build charisma without character, calamity is imminent' he alluded the message to described what and how Samson died because he lacks character even with his gifts. If you lacks character your gifts might be useless until you are able to fix your character,the man of God warned.

With the clear descriptions of almightinesss of God,as being meticulous and knows what,when and how to do His work always. This was how the revered but humble man of God Pastor Richard Adeboye,the Regional Pastor of Redeemed Christian Church Of God,Region 12 brought down the word of God drawned from Biblical  book of Psalms chapter 110 verses 1-3,the chapter illustrating how God had subdued all David's enemies with short inference to another Psalm chapter 23 where he was also honoured before all his brothers who never thought Royalty can be accorded him in the midst of over a dozen children.
Overflowed sections at the day 2power packed programme

Talking about the days of his Powers,according to Pastor Richard Adeboye who happens to bear close relation to the RCCG general overseer, pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye,certain characteristics must evolves as:
* It must be a Set-Time, Psalm 23,1-5,Gen 12,21 Abraham's case was articulated to have seen Isaac manifestation after all his years of toiling and strugglings until his Set time arrives.
* It must also be a fullness of time- these are moments when emptiness,delays are completely deleted from ones life datas
* Due season- All long overdue benefits are to be paid back to the  favoured one's account without further,even all creatures were subjected to get packages from God in due seasons. Psalm 104 verses 27
All liabilities at this point become assets to favour the beloved.
The RCCG Regional Pastor at the meeting charged everyone to continuously walk with 'mentality of blessings'.
* Appointed time indicates all disappointment to turn favour, reappointment,Gen 18 verses 13-14.
This Bible reference details God's appointment time,days for individuals blessings to locate them,due to His capaciy,Powers to do and achieve all things.

Crowd of earnest worshippers at the Programme

*He also mentioned A turn and Time of Life-  says 'When it's your turn it's your time for manifestions. Gen 18 verses 14

At this point,enemies are subdued,submerged and subjugate,then Men have dominion over all works of darkness.
God compulsorily manifests His almightinesss.Haggai 60 verses 20-22
People will experience plenty,abundance, prosperity according to Joel 2 verses 24-26 and God's people displays readiness, willingness to serve God, those are days to say no to any iota of unrighteousness. Romans 6 verses 12
The man of God remember to charged and encouraged all to remain steadfast and be ready to say yes to God's callings at all times.

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