First Generation: Book For Desired Greatness - Global Report



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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

First Generation: Book For Desired Greatness



While it appears to always become difficult to thread the Honorable paths of dignity, every normal person(s) usually throng the ready made ways that often led to mediocres door path.

However it takes the bold to find the unique path schemed for him by providence, but unfortunately many are not courageous enough to pick the hard nuts where embedded the master plan for greatness.

Jonah Solomon as a young man had his findings the hard ways,venting this and that kind of trials until he broke his path with nuts where hidden the needed map arranged to add colour to series of life drawing patterns which when glitters began,all shall but see.

Many hid treasures discovers from searches but he has written all way paths to destiny for any amiable and willing young graduate to tread the path to his/her greatness.

The map therefore is now placed in the hands of everyone with hunger for fulfillment inside the book 'First Generation' 

Pls order for yours as you match on to desired greatness.

Remember there can never be an exact time to take good and informed action if not now. Do the thinking for your best decision for the now.

First Generation, ...waiting to reveal the sure path to fulfilment









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