Operation SAFE HAVEN have recently noted the circulation of violent messages on social media platforms. Some individuals who apparently are beneficiaries of crisis have formed the habit of circulating old and recycled videos, voice and old text messages of violence. They pass these videos through social media platforms with the hope that unsuspecting members of the public would be swayed by emotions to cause mayhem and disrupt the relative peace on the plateau.
We urge all law abiding citizens to disregard such videos, voice and text messages being circulated in the social media by beneficiaries of crisis. Rather, render support to security agencies as they work tirelessly to restore peace and security in our beloved Plateau State.
Operation SAFE HAVEN wishes to assure the good people of Plateau State that it is committed to protecting lives and property of all. Operations have been increased and several attacks were prevented from happening lately.
The commander Operation SAFE HAVEN Major General Ibrahim Ali uses this medium to commend those providing security agencies timely information in their area. As a result of which criminals and cultic individuals causing unrest to loot people’s properties have been arrested. These success were possible due to the provision of timely and credible security information from the people. He also urges the good people of Plateau to continue to provide operation with such information to enable us protect communities from attacks.
Please disseminate through your medium. Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Military Information Officer
28 Aug 21
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