By Yetunde Arebi
Hi, Let me just drop this here without saying much. It is a letter from one of our readers, sharing the escapades of her husband and sending a warning to his side chicks. Enjoy reading!
My sister, I am a regular reader of your column and I love it too. I sincerely beg you for God’s sake to publish this article very soon, drawing the attention of Warri men. I have a very disturbing experience that is really affecting me physically, emotionally, morally, socially and economically. It is not possible to put down everything on paper but I will try.
I have been married to my husband for ten years now. He is the managing director where he works. I have got four children and presently carrying a pregnancy. I work in one of the Federal Ministries in town as a Secretary.
We are living in a three-bedroom bungalow with three of his relations. I struggle to get my needs, those of the children and even some of his relations from my meagre salary because he is saving to travel abroad for further studies. The plan is that he will travel on a student visa then we will all join him.
Since this will require a lot of money, we have been managing on very tight budget, or rather no budget at all. Our home, I mean, palour, rooms and kitchen are places I cannot invite my friends to because everything in them is outdated and broken down, as we live from hand to mouth.
For the sincere love, affection and trust I had for him, I was ready to bear everything as a sacrifice for our future. I thought it was really because of these savings that he could not take care of me, the children, the house and even his foolish wicked self.
I never for one moment thought that he could be engaging in extramarital affairs. He cunningly made me believe that he loved and cherished me to the extent that all other women meant nothing to him. He always claimed to hate girls or women who are out to drain the pockets of foolish men who in doing this cannot take care of their families.
He would usually say, “when I cannot take care of my family, where will I have the money to waste on girls? In fact, how much is a bottle of Coke or Maltina? That can buy a biro for my child”.
Thus all these utterances backed up with his nature of job that involved travelling and working late hours, I remained blindfolded until recently when his driver let the cat out of the bag.
For some time now, his working late hours have become more often, with him coming home even as late as almost 12 midnight or even after. His travelling has also increased too to the extent that it is now difficult to find him at home.
All these I bear in silence with the belief that my husband is a very focussed man who is working for the progress and future of our family. It is only two friends that have dared to ask me how I run the house because my children and I don’t look like people whose husband and father has been Managing Director for the past six years.
I have always restricted myself only to those things which my meagre income can afford me, since I believe that I would soon leave the country and all other things will fall in place.
Hell was let loose, when oga could not pay his driver’s salary for two months running. The driver in a fit of anger, narrated how oga is keeping two girlfriends, paying their school fees and rent. He clothes and feeds them.
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In fact, they are under his care and payroll. To one of the girls’ family, he has already introduced himself as an in-law to be and executes the responsibilities of an in-law in that family. I had to do a serious homework to co firm the driver’s words. I now know the girls too.
At the initial stage, the only thing I thought of was to take my life and leave this wicked man because I could not imagine him making love to another girl, kissing and fondling her and telling her he loves her just as he does to me.
On the pretext that he is saving towards a better life for the family, he has been punishing me and the innocent children God has given us, without his conscience judging him, without a feeling or sign of guilt towards the children and I, and yet, he calls himself a Christian.
My resolution now is to end his relationship with these girls so that he can care for us. How do I do it? I had planned to eliminate him for his wickedness, but for the sake of the children, I had to throw that plan aside.
I have now decided to deal with these girls instead and get my husband back to myself because I cannot bear leaving him. I realise that I care a lot about him and may not find another man to call my own. Even if I do, how do I know what is in store for me there?
Right now, I feel betrayed, deceived and unloved by a man I loved, cared for and relied on as my husband, friend and father. I want to end the relationship by all possible means as nothing will bring sanity back to me more than a confirmation that all has ended.
However, I have a warning for these girls and just in case there are more. You girls with the three letter and five letter names, leave my husband alone. If he refuses to leave you alone, come and tell me so that you can save your life. I am on your trail.
Anytime from now, you will be a goner or at least be paralysed if you do not heed this warning. Do not underrate me and my words. He knows I mean whatever I say and that is why he has been very discreet so that I would not suspect your escapades.
Do not let him fool you with his sugar-coated tongue. Look for your husbands elsewhere. There is a man for every woman, do not scramble mine with me.
Yetunde, I still can’t believe it. It is all still like a bad dream to me. How can my husband who finds it difficult to buy his child a biro, keep girlfriends and break my heart like this? I keep my fingers crossed for your quick response, please.
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