Joe Biden Attacked President Trump With A Strong Remark over poor administrative control - Global Report




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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Joe Biden Attacked President Trump With A Strong Remark over poor administrative control

President elect Joe Biden while campaigning in Georgia in the coming runoff Senate election fired salvos at president Donald Trump. He accused him of whining and complaining in stead of doing something about the problem facing Americans.

“The president spends more time whining and complaining than doing anything about the problem. I don’t know why he still wants the job he doesn’t want to do the work,” President-elect Biden says of the Trump admin.’s handling of vaccine distribution." Posted MSNBC.

Americans are currently dying in large number due to covid-19 pandemic. Many are receiving the vaccine but Biden is still feeling the president is not doing enough In protecting citizens. Well, a section of resident's have backed Biden on the issue and are claiming that, it's only 16 days until Trump leaves office to Joe and Kamala Harris.

Here are some reactions.

"Yes that’s true! We could have had a lot more vaccine for the Americans out faster if the Federal government was involved! The Military helping getting it administered at schools near everyone’s house! Trump lives it to the States again and no extra money to help make it faster" posted Jack.

"Because he don’t care about the American people he only cares about himself, he is using what little followers he has left to fill his pockets as much as he can before he’s evicted!" Posted Ken.


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